Things to Look Out for Before Taking a Dip in Orange County Waters
November 23, 2020
Offshore Kayak Fishing a Remote Panamanian Coastline {CATCH CLEAN COOK}
December 4, 2020
In this incident, Joseph Harrick and I are heading far out onto Lake Erie in Ohio with Mark Dietrich of Tri-Fin Charters to shoot BIG walleye to take home for dinner. We’re fishing for them two ways, both trolling and throwing, and are learning a ton about Lake Erie fishing along the way. Then, back in my RV, I’m showing you a speedy, easy and DELICIOUS recipe you can use for any fish.
BOOK A TRIP WITH MARK: https :// bit.ly/ TriFinCharters_FB
Rent a cabin or park your RV at Camp Sandusky! http :// www.campsandusky.com
SUBSCRIBE TO JOE’S CHANNEL: https :// www.youtube.com/ consumer/ FishFrenzy8 9
DOWNLOAD THE FREE ANGLR APP: http :// bit.ly/ 2Uzht7G
Support the Show \\ Shop My Merch: http :// www.yakfish.tv
COMMENT BELOW: Who else fishes for walleye? Any tips? What’s your favorite route to cook ’em up?
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####### My Favorite Brands ##########
####### Shop the Camera Stuff I Use! #########
Main Camera- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_DSLR
Garmin VIRB- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_VIRB
GoPro- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_GoPro5
Editing Software- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Adobe
Editing Computer- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_PC
Drone- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Drone
Audio Recorder- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Audio
Smart Watch- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Watch
####### Shop the Fishing Stuff I Use! #########
Fish Finder- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Fishfinder
Fish Finder Battery- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Nocqua
High End Spinning Reel- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_HESpinning
Low End Spinning Reel- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_LESpinning
VHF Radio- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_VHF
####### Shop the Kayak Stuff I Use! #######
Gear Crate- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Ambush
Camera Boom- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Boom
Rod Holder- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_RodHolder
Visibility Kit- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Visibility
Paddle- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Paddle
Life Jacket- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Chinook
Knife- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Co-Pilot
Rod Leashes- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Leashes
####### Shop the RV Stuff I Use! #########
Cell Signal Booster- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_WeBoost
Emergency InReach- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_InReach
WiFi Signal Booster- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_WiFiRanger
Verizon Jetpack Hotspot- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Jetpack
#CatchandCook #FieldTripwithRobertField
About Robert Field:
A few years back, I trenched the corporate grind to pursue my resentments for traveling, fishing and the outdoor lifestyle. Now I live in a travel trailer full go, fishing and exploring my style through all 50 states and around the world.
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Walleye Fishing Lake Erie( CATCH& COOK) | Field Trips with Robert Field
Field Trips with Robert Field