How-To Install | Hobie Deck Pad kit on Pro Angler Series Kayaks
October 23, 2020
Catch & Cook: PANCAKE Fried Rock Bass (Kayak Fishing)
November 6, 2020
In this incident I’m making an unplanned stop in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, and I’ve got the Keystone RV Cougar parked RIGHT on a sugared litte fishery called Horseshoe Lake. The fish are reaching anything I hurl at ’em, including the topwater frog. Then something unexpected smacks my lure…
STAY AT HORSESHOE LAKE: http :// www.horseshoelakecampgrounds.com
DOWNLOAD THE FREE ANGLR APP: http :// bit.ly/ 2Uzht7G
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COMMENT BELOW and tell me what you would’ve thrown here! Who has a cool little reservoir like this in their neck of the woods? Tell me where and maybe I’ll swing through with the rig!
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Garmin VIRB- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_VIRB
GoPro- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_GoPro5
Editing Software- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Adobe
Editing Computer- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_PC
Drone- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Drone
Audio Recorder- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Audio
Smart Watch- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Watch
####### Shop the Fishing Stuff I Use! #########
Fish Finder- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Fishfinder
Fish Finder Battery- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Nocqua
High End Spinning Reel- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_HESpinning
Low End Spinning Reel- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_LESpinning
VHF Radio- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_VHF
####### Shop the Kayak Stuff I Use! #######
Gear Crate- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Ambush
Camera Boom- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Boom
Rod Holder- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_RodHolder
Visibility Kit- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Visibility
Paddle- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Paddle
Life Jacket- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Chinook
Knife- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Co-Pilot
Rod Leashes- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Leashes
####### Shop the RV Stuff I Use! #########
Cell Signal Booster- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_WeBoost
Emergency InReach- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_InReach
WiFi Signal Booster- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_WiFiRanger
Verizon Jetpack Hotspot- http :// bit.ly/ RJF_Jetpack